Centre Party Highlights Concerns Over EU Enlargement Agenda

At a pivotal gathering hosted by the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), I had the privilege of being in attendance. The focus of the meeting was on the future direction of the European Union, with particular emphasis on the contentious issue of EU enlargement. 

Speakers such as Pervenche Berés, former MEP for France, and Dr. Nicolai von Ondarza, Head of the EU/Europe Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, shed light on the recently published Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform.

This report, with its emphasis on strengthening the rule of law, enhancing the EU's capacity to act, and preparing for enlargement, poses significant implications for Ireland and its citizens. It was noted, that the mandate for the upcoming European Parliament underscores a fervent push for EU enlargement, with Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina among the countries being groomed for membership. The combined population of these nations rivals that of the UK, standing at over 65 million. Additionally, six more countries, including Albania, Georgia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, are vying for EU accession.

While some EU member states may welcome the prospect of enlargement, it is imperative for Ireland to approach this issue with caution. The Center Party of Ireland stands firm in its belief that EU enlargement poses significant risks to our economy and the well-being of our citizens. The pace at which EU enlargement is proposed to unfold, with all nine candidate countries anticipated to join the EU by 2038, raises concerns for the Center Party of Ireland. This accelerated process brings about potential ramifications that deeply apprehend our nation. Such rapid enlargement may strain the EU's institutional capacity, diverting attention and funds away from the needs of existing member states like Ireland. 

Additionally, the influx of new members poses challenges in terms of cultural integration, economic harmonization, and political alignment, which could unsettle the delicate balance within the Union and threaten Ireland's economic stability and cultural identity. Moreover though, is Ireland's influence in the European Parliament could diminish significantly due to the potential reduction in MEP seats per country to accommodate newly elected MEPs from prospective member states, therefore as a consequence our ability to advocate for our national interests on the European stage stands at risk of being weakened.

As a conservative nationalist party with Christian values, the Center Party of Ireland advocates for prudent governance and responsible stewardship of our nation's interests. We believe that blindly embracing EU enlargement without due consideration for its repercussions is not in the best interest of our citizens.

As the European Union's expansionist ambitions cast a formidable shadow, the Center Party emerges as a beacon of vigilance, safeguarding Ireland's sovereignty and stability.

That is why we urge the people of Ireland to rally behind the Center Party, the voice of reason and accountability in the face of the EU's relentless mission to enlarge its borders. By joining forces with us and supporting the Centre Party into government, you can ensure that the concerns for Ireland’s future for your families and communities are heard loud and clear in the corridors of power.


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